The Management of disease in our Ayurvedic System was so well thought that it is surprising to note that our Ayurvedic Practitioners has classified todays devil disease DIABETES into 21 types. Diabetes is known as Prameha, Madhumeha in Ayurveda. As per Ayurveda Diabetes is also called Maharoga (Major Disease) because Diabetes affects almost all parts of the body and every cell of human physiology are effected. To be more precise, According to Ayurveda, Diabetes disturbs 5 sheaths of the body i.e. Food Sheath, Energy Sheath, Mind Sheath, Intellactual Sheath & Bliss Sheath.
Diabetes can be divided in 4 Major Types in Ayurveda :-
1. Kapha Type (Subdivided into 10 Types)
2. Pitta Type (Subdivided into 6 Types)
3. Vata Type (Subdivided into 4 types)
4. Juvenile Diabetes (1 type)
Ayurveda has described main cause of Diabetes due to lack of exercise, consumption of excess food having ushna, snigdha & guru nature. Moreover the food that increase kapha, medhas & mootra are also main factors for diabetes.
The management of diabetes differs from patient to patient according to their body constitution & prevailing dosha (viz. kapha, pitta, vata etc.) however according to ayurvedic text, Vijaysar herb balances Kapha, Pitta & Vitta therefore this is important herb for controlling blood glucose among diabetes patients. Vijaysar has following properties according to Ayurveda :-
Rasayana : It rejuvenates each and every cell of the body.
Raktasodhana : It purifies the blood and removes all toxins from it.
Krimirogahar : It is extremely useful in disease which originate from external cause like infection etc.
Pramehagna : It is useful in all disease which involve discoloration of urine including DIABETES.
The above findings are validated by modern science also. According to Modern Science Vijaysar Herb contains PolyPhenolic Compounds like (+) Epicatechin, hypoglycemic agents i.e. metformin which have insuline like effects on several tissues and inhibits glucose absorption from the intestine. Moreover Vijaysar also contains phenolics, marsupsin, pterosupin, pterostilbene etc. which have been identified as the blood sugar lowering components. Vijaysar Herb is widely used in Ayurvedic Formulation. One such convenient way of using vijaysar in daily management of Diabetes is Madhuvijay Glass which is prepared from Vijaysar Herb. It is convenient and very easy to use. Patient suffering from DIabetes has to pour drinking water in Madhuvijay Glass at night and after 8-10 hours the water will change into brown color. consume full colored water 10-15 mins before breakfast. Again fill the Madhuvijay Glass with drinking water and consume full colored water 10-15 minutes before dinner. Continue the use as a part of natural diabetes management.
Madhuvijay glass is accepted as convenient method for diabetes cure by patients.