Tuesday, September 28, 2010


                                           In India two communities namely Hindu and Muslim are living in coexistence.Both communities are having their distinct cultural aspect from ancient times.In relevant time both are facing suspiciousness with each other. They are trying to establish their own religious and cultural supremacy by anyhow. BABRI is a mosque situated in Ayodhya town in U.P. province of India. Ayodhya is an ancient town of India and it is a birthplace of Hindu epic god Rama.In medieval time Muslim hoards attacked this town and demolished temple of Rama and constructed a mosque there named Babri mosque named after one Muslim slave. In 1992 Hindu ideology supporters with support of leading political party of India (B.J.P.) lead a march to Ayodhya and destroyed mosque and tried to acquired land of disputed mosque. Then this whole issue is in Indian judiciary for the legal right of the land.BABARI DEMOLITION is not just an issue of mosk or temple but its more than that. ram mandir, ramjanmabhumi, ramllala,ramsetu,ramkatha even ramjethamalani are very common words to Indian people. Hindus are very sensitive people to accept any type of religious leader or religious cause without checking its aftermath. Indians are very eager and keen to worship individual humanbeing in saffron colours. Some astonishing religious movement took place in Indian and got popularity worldwide.Swaminarayan sampraday,Swadhyay parivar,Baba Ramdev or any other baba gets tremendous crowd of disciple in India.Muslims are taking this issue as their own existance in India.They even follows blindly to mullahs and maulavis preach regarding disputed land. Babri became jeruslem -temple of india an example of Hindu-Muslim cultural conflict.
 Muslims from ancient times having contrary ritual and worshiping methods. Hindus believe in BAHUISHAVARVAD,MURTIPUJA.Muslim worshipes only ALLAH no portrait no icon.Muslim goes in mosk in strait way and comes back in revers mode of stepping. Muslim never forgets to wear cap on head when enter in mosk while Hindu goes bare head in temple.Muslim sitting style is different from Hindu in religious prayer.Muslim prays open hand while Hindu puts hand folded together when he prays.Hindus use music in AARATI while Muslims AZAN is simple chanting of maulavi with loud voice.AZAN was useful in crowd gathering in desert where people were living far away in KASBBAS.Also fivetime azan was useful in time telling to mass.Muslim keeps beards but not mustache while Hindu use to keep mustache not beards.Hindu worships even animals like cow, goat(vehicle of mother goddess),bull, tortoise,snake while Muslim celebrates BAKARIIDE by slaying goat.Hindu eats in individual plate while Muslims eat together in single plate.Hindu worships of full moon(POONAM) while Muslim worships quarter moon(BIJ).Hindu believes in salvation of soul while Muslim believes in salvation of body.Hindu fires pyre of dead body while Muslim uses pit burial of dead body. Muslim could marriage three times or live with three women together and male could get divorced by saying three times TALAK TALAK TALAK(TALAK-ULL-BIDDAT).Hindus are not allowed to polygamy.Muslims sacred day is friday while Hindu sacred day is sunday.Muslim sacred month is RAMZAN while Hindu celebration month for festivals is SHRAVAN.Hindu sacred colour is saffron while Muslim likes green.
 So, Dont you think friends not only babari but so many cultural aspects are differing in both community.Babari mosk is the indicative and scapegoat issue between cultural conflict.It requires sufi and saint attitude from both community.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

four edge of state Building history , economy,sociology and politicospirituality

When I was searching on net I came to know that very few people are discussing about Gujarat’s history, economy, sociology and spirituality and great thing is that we Guajarati people are not discussing anything about Gujarat’s politics. First of all let me tell you why I have started to write on blog regarding Gujarat .Gujarat is my motherland .my own world of feelings, my own world of breathing and much more. When I m seeing people are being depoliticized, are not taking interest in using their franchises’ I m being conscious because I realized that what tribute we paid to our attackers after not taking interest in our own motherland.  I know very well that imperialism  is dead now but the concept of exploitation is still there in different definition and relevant generation never knows which mistakes they are doing in present era .mistakes of present is always judged by history of next generation .any political system tries to make his people aliens to politics and opiates them with another things like sports  I m trying to awake my own people and in this process I would like to join by intelligentsias of Gujarat. I know that from years we are even habituate to analyze news with help of columnists of leading newspapers but now a day’s people are realizing that media houses are having their own interest in news stories and so where to get real analysis and real news of Gujarat in detailed study .so for that reason we are trying to make a small effort. If we will run this system as usual our next generation will ask us about our struggle against prevailing dirty things in society what will be the answer? so let’s make it clean by sending messages that we knows everything what is happing and what should have been done . We are going to put as pure analysis as crystal of wine in Gujarat. Politics doesn’t mean to take part in election and do corruption and it’s only a business of handful dirty people and all in politics are very cruel and corrupt and our nation will run by them automatically without getting us in trust. These all is myth now  because we are not living in Gupta era or our leaders are not Kxatrapas of Girinagar  or Maitraks of Valabhi .we the people of Gujarat are living in the world’s biggest democracy India which has been matured within high speed compare to other developing nations in the world within short span of time . so be aware of our history , sociology , politics and economy because these are the four side of one magic coin which changes coin itself generation by generation .
                                                      gujarat amari re amari

Baba ramdev and morari bapu on a podium of mahua

Baba ramdev has just visited gujarat on his swabhimanyatra . babaji shared podium with morari bapu with lots of devotees . so many people gatherd in mahua on the yogasibir .baba invited moraribapu for sermons . very few people knows that why baba came to gujarat and particular  Mahua selected by baba . because once moraribapu visited babas home yogeshibir and he retorted baba there thats why baba selected mahua and wanted to prove that he is able to gathered so much  crowed even in mahua hometown of moraribapu . moraribapu in last speach torted baba that humanbeing need to get emancipation from so many disease (including even baba ) . and how a saint need to behave because we people are the toarchbearer of the society .there were so many people hearing  sermon of moraribapu but it was a quite conversation between baba and bapu .we people need to be bit suspicious when something religious act comes in our life to show us path because we are so many times betrayed by saints like asharam ....  didi and so many from swaminarayansadhus . we need to read in deep about human existance . some another time i will right about humanexistance